Type: cupcakes
Address: heaven Jk ave Esmeralda next Puerto Rico telephone company
Parking: 2 only
Price: jumbo $3.95, 4x$10, 6x$15, 12x$28
Food:The only Shop that i hace Found gluten free cupcakes. the jumbo size is literally like samsung galaxy note jumbo size. the frosting is great but you do have to eat freshly made or bough because if you leave the cupcake in the fridge you will have hard frosting, and its kind of not the same if your a frosting lover. the have funny names for their cupcakes like sweet as pie, 24Karrot, cheeseburguer with fries, etc.
Service: nice, the are so sweet.
Comment: smallest place on earth with no parking. Do not underestimate size a lot of ppl come here